PHP Mongodb Tutorial
Mongodb is very popular open source, document based NoSQL database. In this php mongodb tutorial you will learn how to fetch, insert, edit, delete records in a mongodb collection using php.
Make mongodb php connection:
1.connection with localhost 27017
2.connect with remote host
3.connect with remote host at a given port
$connection = new MongoClient(); // connects to localhost:27017
$connection = new MongoClient( "mongodb://" ); // connect to a remote host (default port: 27017)
$connection = new MongoClient( "mongodb://" ); // connect to a remote host at a given port
Getting a Database:
To select a db use following code in php
$connection = new MongoClient();
$db = $connection->myDBname;
echo "Database examplesdb selected";
echo "Database not selected";
The database does not need to be created in advance, you can create new databases by selecting them.
Be careful of typos! You can inadvertently create a new database, which can cause confusing errors (here name is misspelled as anme in the second selection:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$db = $connection->mybiglongdbname;
// do some stuff
$db = $connection->mybiglongdbanme;
// now connected to a different database!
Getting a collection:
Getting a collection is same as getting databases
$connection = new MongoClient();
$db = $connection->dbname; //select db
$collection = $db->collectionname; //select collection
$collection = $connection->dbname->collectionname; //select collection directly from db
echo "Collection created succsessfully";
echo "Failed to create collection";
A collection is analogous to a table (if you are familiar with relational databases).
Inserting a Document:
- Associative arrays are basic object that can be saved to collection in the database.
- We can store nested arrays and objects
- The driver will store an Associative arrays as an object in the DB.
- A numerically indexed array stored as an array in case the keys start at 0 and are not interrupted, and as an object if the array keys don't start at 0 or have gaps (ie: 0, 1, 4, 5).
To insert this document, use MongoCollection::insert():
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$data = array(
"name" => "MongoDB",
"type" => "database",
"count" => 1,
"info" => (object)array( "x" => 203, "y" => 102),
"versions" => array("0.9.7", "0.9.8", "0.9.9")
$insertData = $collection->insert($data);
echo "Document inserted successfully";
echo "Failed to insert Document";
Note that there is an _id field that has been added automatically to your document.
_id is the "primary key" field. If your document does not specify one, the driver will add one automatically.
If you specify your own _id field, it must be unique to the collection. See the example here:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$db = $connection->database;
$db->foo->insert(array("_id" => 1));
// this will throw an exception
$db->foo->insert(array("_id" => 1));
// this is fine, as it is a different collection
$db->bar->insert(array("_id" => 1));
By default the driver will ensure the server has acknowledged the write before returning.
You can optionally turn this behaviour off by passing array("w" => 0) as the second argument.
This means that the driver should not wait for the database to acknowledge the write and would not throw the duplicate _id exception.
Finding Documents using MongoCollection::findOne()
We can use findOne() to get the single object from the collection.
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$document = $collection->findOne();
echo "Collection selected succsessfully";
From The previous inserted collection.
The above example will output:
array(6) {
object(MongoId)#8 (1) {
string(24) "4e2995576803fab768000000"
string(7) "MongoDB"
string(8) "database"
array(2) {
array(3) {
string(5) "0.9.7"
string(5) "0.9.8"
string(5) "0.9.9"
Adding Multiple Documents:
In order to do more interesting things with queries,
let's add multiple simple documents to the collection.
These documents will just be of the form array( "i" => value );
and we can do this fairly efficiently in a loop:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++ )
$collection->insert( array( 'i' => $i, "field{$i}" => $i * 2 ) );
We can insert arrays with the different keys into the same collection.
Thats why we call mongoDB as "Schema Free"
In the example above each document has an i field, but also a field name in the form of field + $i.
Counting Documents in the collection: (how to check number of rows in the table) for understanding purpose.
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$count = $collection->count();
Using Cursor to get all of the documents:
In order to get all of the documents in the collection, we use MongoCollection::find()
The find() method returns a MongoCursor object which allows us to iterate over the set of documents that matched our query.
So to query all of the documents and print them out:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$cursor = $collection->find();
foreach ( $cursor as $id => $value )
echo "$id: ";
var_dump( $value );
Setting Criteria for a query: (To get single record in the collection where id = 71)
hasNext() => Checks if there are any more elements in this cursor.
MongoCursor::getNext() — Advances the cursor to the next result, and returns that result
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$query = array( 'i' => 71 );
$cursor = $collection->find( $query );
while ( $cursor->hasNext() )
var_dump( $cursor->getNext() );
Getting A Set of Documents With a Query:
We can use the query to get a set of documents from our collection.
For example, if we wanted to get all documents where "i" > 50, we could write:
Greater than => '$gt'
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$query = array( "i" => array( '$gt' => 50 ) ); //note the single quotes around '$gt'
$cursor = $collection->find( $query );
while ( $cursor->hasNext() )
var_dump( $cursor->getNext() );
which should print the documents where "i" > 50. We could also get a range, say 20 < i <= 30:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
$query = array( 'i' => array( '$gt' => 20, "\$lte" => 30 ) );
$cursor = $collection->find( $query );
while ( $cursor->hasNext() )
var_dump( $cursor->getNext() );
Update a Document:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
// specify the column name whose value is to be updated.
//If no such column than a new column is created with the same name.
$condition = array("i" => 1);
// specify the condition with column name. If no such column exist than no record will update
$newdata = array('$set' => array("i" => "6666"));
if($collection->update($condition, $newdata))
echo 'Record updated successfully</p>';
echo '<p style="color:red;">Error in update</p>';
Remove a Document:
$connection = new MongoClient();
$collection = $connection->database->collectionName;
// specify the column name whose value is to be updated.
//If no such column than a new column is created with the same name.
$condition = array("i" => 1);
// specify the condition with column name. If no such column exist than no record will delete
if($collection->remove($condition, $newdata))
echo 'Record removed successfully</p>';
echo '<p style="color:red;">Error in delete</p>';
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